That familiar cold breeze and sea-shore walk back home…

Yay! This is where I’m sitting and staring at sky…

Monsoon has just arrived to the place where I live in. Or is it pre-monsoon? Oh, how does that matter! They are but rain drops from sky. It's not the drizzling rain under which I have sat for some time now. It's almost no rain for that matter. My clothes are yet to get wet. I'm yet to feel the water but breeze? It is already in its full fervor. Breeze and night have a strange connection with my inner goddess, if I can borrow that phrase from Fifty Shades! I would rather say, it's nostalgia. The place I'm right now in is not my home. I'm so much new to this place and this place is so much new to me. We are yet to get along, yet to bond. I miss the comforts of back home. That walk on the sea coast, hearing the sounds of tides which appear mammoth at distance but turn into milky froth at the shore and how they disappear, and the breeze. The cold one that gets to your flesh. One that makes you forget everything and savor the present. I have missed it. Terribly for that matter. And today when I'm sitting here watching the skies, trying to hold that and this drop from the sky, it had suddenly arrived. Did it had smell? I can't say for certain but I think it had. The breeze has not came alone but has brought memories with it. Memories of those walks, walks with near ones and the ones taken alone. I repent none but wish I can take another one. Wish I can walk on sea shore again with bear legs feeling the sand beneath. Sooner than any other. Walk under the night sky making my own trail of thoughts and foot steps. Every time I'm away from home, I plan a dozen things to think and do during those walks but to tell you the truth, I succed in doing none. The warmth of walking, vastness of sea and infinitely dark night sky makes you forget anything that is planned, and force you to live in a moment. Be there... I miss being there... Bring one with myself and the world!

Nostalgia is a strange thing. Never thought a simple breeze could remind me all those things. Okay, I need to go to bed. Night is not my best time. The more I try to remember things the more worse it can get. And away from home I am unaware of corners where I can go and shed sweet tears... Good Night people! Thanks for reading. Do care to share your thoughts and memories of back home. What reminds you of home? What opens that Pandora's box of childhood memories? I would love to read them. Go on.. Pour them down.


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