
Showing posts from 2019

Fuck You And Fuck Your System

Fuck you and fuck your system Fuck Justice and Law Fuck your courts and Fuck your Human Rights Fuck the whole system I want blood of those who rape They deserve no life Kill them, shoot them cold But why just four men? More than twenty women get raped everyday Fucking shoot them all Shoot the Sengars Ram Rahims, Asarams and Chinmayanands Shoot that Nityananda dolt Will you though? Will you shoot them? Go to Puttaparthi and wake up the Satya Sai from his grave Shoot in him as many bullets as the boys he defiled Then, and only then, will I be proud Until then, shut up Shut the fuck up and let the courts do their thing! Written in response to the mob frenzy and support to Telangana Police gunning down four rape accused without realizing the implications and meaning of what extra-judicial encounters as this mean.  Inspired from Raghu Karnad’s post .

When You Learn Your Maid Is A Post-Graduate

Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash   The perennial excuse of our maid after taking an unannounced holiday which has become ever so often now is that she did come in the morning and rang our doorbell but we did not open the door for her. For long both of us who stay in the house have believed this excuse. Not because she did and we did not. Simply because we thought of letting it pass, giving her the benefit of doubt. There have been days like today when my friend was up since 5 AM due to some exam of his and know for sure that there was no doorbell ringing, but over the months he too has learnt the art of letting it go. “Aunty plays with us” is our constant topic of conversation. And in this game of her, she has been winning all this while. She didn’t come today morning too. And naturally, we had our usual “Arey yaar, ye aunty aaj bhi nahi aayi (Oh man, this maid didn’t even come today)” conversation and went out to have breakfast. On our way back in the dark parking lo

Ayodhya Judges Forgot That Justice Isn't A Please-All-Show

The long-awaited, more than twenty years, Ayodhya Judgement is here. Before we dwell on the same, ever wondered why people go to the courts? Why they spend on lawyers, on their travels to court? After all, all they do is present arguments from each side which they could do before a sarpanch in a village or that old man in Khaap panchayat or a mutual friend — just anyone but the judge in a court. Why walk to a court? What is it that you expect from a court that you do not expect from other avenues. Why do we say we have to respect the decisions of the court? After all, the people giving verdicts are people like us too. They go through similar lives as we do. They breathe the same air, drink the same water, eat the same food. Why then do we expect them to deliver judgements on our problems and also respect their pronouncements? Is it because we believe that they are impartial, that they rely on facts and facts alone and not on emotions and beliefs and pressures of the society?

You Won’t Believe What Idea Cellular Is Doing When I Answer My Calls — For a Moment Even I Could Not

Imagine you receive a call from your friend, you pick the call and some minutes through the conversation, your friends voice ghosts away and out-of-nowhere you hear this, The number you have dialled is incorrect. Please check the number and dial again. What the heck, right? You did not even dial this call. You received the call which means by default that the number is valid. That’s exactly what has been happening to me on calls for a few days now. Strange and weird. Before this… For months now, many of my family members and friends have told me how when they call me, they get robot voices that tell them that I’m out of coverage area or my phone is switched off when I’m in a place with good network and using my phone perfectly. There are network bars and I’m browsing the net. Moreover, I have faced this issue being in Pune, Mumbai and even in Karnataka’s countryside. Once I even checked it myself by dialling my number from a friend’s cellphone. This i

Where I Love You and You Love Me

Because, why not! Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash Far from here Where I hate you and you hate me There is a world where we love Not any other kind but The one where I wish to see you each morning To smell you before going to sleep Where I wish to be there when you Dream ghosts and have nightmares Where I can make your morning coffee And you can bring me my evening tea A world where I exist for you And you exist for me Where there is love and only love Take me there take me to where you are Wherever that is I don't belong here Where there is everything Everything but you And honestly nothing is enough when You are not around Slide in or let me drop by Hold me in your arms Let's welcome each other like The goodbyes we said last Let's walk back to the day We saw each other Make amends, hug little longer Argue less And kiss a little extra ...

हमे वह कश्मीर बना दो

वो जो हरा भरा है वो जहां झील है तालाब है साफ़ पानी है, स्वच्छ नदी है पशु है, पेड़ है, इन्सान भी है वह कश्मीर है वह शांत है, वह नॉर्मल है कश्मीरी खुश है वे खुश है ये जानेबगैर कि ख़ुशी की बात क्या है। उनके न फोन चल रहे है ना वाट्सेप है, ना इन्टरनेट पर वे खुश है वे अपने परिवारवालों से बात नहीं कर पा रहे हैं वे ईद की रोज अपनों से गले नहीं मिल पा रहे है पर वे खुश है। उन्होंने अपने दरवाज़े बंद रखे है वे शायद हम से बात करना नहीं चाहते उन्होंने अपने घर के सामने सेक्यूरिटी लगाया है हर दस कश्मीरियों के लिए एक टीप-टाप कपड़े पहने बंदूकधारी है जो हर तरफ निगरानी रखे हुए हैं वे रोकते है हमे कश्मीरियों से बात करने से वे टोकते है उनके पोस्ट है हर पचास कदम पे वे बताते है आपको कौनसा रस्ता लेना है बिना आपसे पूछे कि आपको कहा जाना है गुलमर्ग कभी दायें आता है तो कभी बाये अस्पताल में एक छोटी लड़की आयी है उसके आँखों पर अभी पट्टी बंधी हुई है न जाने क्यूँ उसने अपने ही आँखों में पत्थर डाल लिए है बाकी कश्मीर में शांति है टीवीवाले कह रहे है अब कश्मीर उनका है किनका है? उनका है। वे कह रहे है कि अब वह यहां अपनी ज

On Kashmir, India Went Back on Its Constitutional Promise Showing It Can Now ‘Legally’ Do Anything Given Its Brute Majority

Yesterday, Indian Parliament headed by BJP which enjoys brute majority declared Article 370 which gave Kashmir special status in Indian union revoked, it bifurcated the Jammu and Kashmir state into two parts, and it also declared both the parts as Union Territories. The reason why they did this is one part of a debatable story; the manner in which they executed this is another. Kashmir was never a federal state like others. It was and continuous to be a military occupation (with increased troops now, one gunman to 10 civilians). But now it has lost even the facade of being an independent state. And we are told Kashmiris are real people. If they are real people like mainland Indians, why does military occupy civilian spaces there? When are we scrapping AFSPA? You have numbers now. You can do anything. Democracy, those who have read would know isn’t about numbers but doing what is right even when what you want to achieve is wrong in the eyes of the majority. It i

How Riots Happen and What Ordinary Citizens Could Do To Stop Them

India is a diverse nation, our strength lies in our unity or so are we told since school but what we are not taught is how this very diversity is time and again exploited by certain elements to sow seeds of hate in the society we live in. Just last week we saw this happening in Delhi where a parking feud spiralled into communal confrontation , a boy went missing (?), a temple was vandalized, quickly came the men with slogans and then there was more. There is a lot to learn from this but I’m quite sure we would not. There is a reason why riots keep happening in India and people who until that day lived shoulder-to-shoulder burn each other’s houses and seek more blood. Until we understand this pattern and intentions behind people who initiate these ghastly crimes, the kind of unknown non-local faces who visit the disturbed towns, we will continue to reel under these riots. India has seen many riots since 1980. Far too many. And one must try to retrace their origins, reasons why

Those Who Are Asking Khan-Market-Gang To Shut Up, Don't Understand Why They Speak Out In The First Place

    We are against terrorism. Aren’t we? I don’t remember anyone defending Ajmal Kasab. Or for instance Masood Azhar. But now I doubt we were against terrorism then or are now with respect to Azhar for instance. We have just elected ‘Sadhvi’ Pragya Singh Thakur, an accused awaiting trial in the 2008 Malegaon bombings with astounding margin nonetheless. That doesn’t fit into fighting terrorism, does it? There are other things to read from this and previous elections too. By and large, we all despise hate speech and also to an extent hate religious fundamentalism. Remember Zakir Naik? He was hounded and rightly so. But then we have just elected Ananth Kumar; again with a huge margin, yes, a man well-known for hate speeches. And in case we forgot, we have Ajay Mohan Bisht aka Yogi Adityanath, the less talked about him the better. What do these tell us? This doesn’t say much about us hating terrorism or despising hate speech; in fact, it shows us warmly embracing it. Then there are

Win or Lose, Here Are Few Things Rahul Gandhi Must Do Post Elections To Stay Relevant

Before I even start, I must just warn you of the unprecedented propaganda that was and is done to demean and to make fun of Rahul in public eye to an extent where no commentator starts pieces like this with, you see, I don't think Rahul is the leader we deserve but blah blah. Certainly, we deserve better. No doubt. But is Modi the leader this largest democracy deserves? Absolutely not. But we elected him. We saw him shake every fabric of this republic. We saw him break rules, disrespect parliament by undercutting it, making a mockery in face of NaMo tv (I know he isn't it's CEO or chairman!). Truth is, that propaganda has worked. The fake news has flourished. And Rahul tweeting smart things or visiting a college or two won't change it. Television isn't gonna help. It has become too imbalanced for his or his party's message. So here are few things that will go a long way. It is no secret and now there is no point hiding from it, Congress has the most

What Is It Like To Read A Right-Wing Gobbledygook Propaganda Piece?

Screenshot of the post from a RW website So a right-wing friend of mine who believes Congress is the worst thing that happened to India and Modi the best, sent me this piece ( How the Congress Party has Surrendered to the Breaking India Forces) to read, so that I get aware of how Congress looted India. I usually do not indulge my time into these recommendations if they aren’t from known and reputed sources but this request was coming on repeat and from a school friend so I dived in. Here’s what the article had. Unbelievable gobbledygook. Our ancient political thinkers didn’t randomly make politics subservient to civilization and culture — it was the result of deep, sustained philosophical reflection on the nature of things and the nature of fundamental human impulses itself. Who are these thinkers? What did they say? How did what they said made politics subservient to civilization and culture? No answers. We are just presented with wisdom like a good old relig